Site Rules
Upon creation of an account, each member agrees to observe and follow the following rules to create a fair and respectful experience for all users of HokuPets. The rules apply for text and image based content, and are applicable for (but not limited to) forum titles and posts, private and public messages, chat box messages, pet names and profiles, usernames and profile pictures, user profiles and statuses, or any other pages associated with “”.
Violations of these rules will disrupt the game experience and hurt the community therefore these rules are strictly enforced and violations are not tolerated. Rules may be changed, updated, added, and/or removed without notice (but we will do our best to announce any changes to all users).
If a member is expressing behaviors that you do not want to engage in, please use the Block feature to ensure the stop of communication from them. If a user is displaying behaviors that violate these rules, please use the Report A Problem feature to let a member of staff aware of the situation to be handled properly.
1. Only Appropriate Content
- - Profanity
- - Lewd language
- - Sexual content (express or implied)
- - Violent content
- - Obscenities
2. No Foul Behaviors or Communications
3. No Exploitation
- - Cheating or exploiting the game experience by bypassing game security or intended functionalities, exploiting a glitch and not reporting it, cheat codes, algorithms, multiple identify tactics, exploits or similar measures to gain, or attempt to gain unearned currency, items, pets, and/ or abusing the privilege to own multiple accounts is strictly forbidden.
- - Hacking or accessing accounts that are owned by other users is strictly forbidden. Accessing another user’s account and making any changes or transfer of items, pets, and/ or currency is strictly forbidden. Gaining or attempting to gain access to game systems, game servers, etc. and/ or using programs to extract information or data from HokuPets websites is strictly forbidden. Violation of this rule translates to immediate termination of account and banned access to the site.
- - Scamming users by engaging in behaviors such as not completing agreed upon trades, hosting contest(s) with false reward(s), false advertisements for items, pets, and/ or currency is strictly forbidden.
4. Post With Intent
- - Spamming
- - Flooding
- - Trolling
5. Keep Personal Information Private
6. Play Fair With Multiple Accounts
7. Respectful Gameplay To ALL Users Including Staff
8. No Real Currency Selling or Trading
9. No Begging
10. Content Must Be Created and Owned By The Poster
Content (text or images) posted must be appropriate for ALL ages, therefore content cannot include (but are not limited to) the following:
Offensive language cannot be abbreviated, misspelled, and/or censored. Content that includes links to inappropriate and offensive content is also not tolerated.
Interactions and communications must remain in a positive manner and not include any behaviors that can be seen as bullying, threatening and/ or harassment. Behaviors that can be included would be (but are not limited to) name calling, badgering for prices, and/ or repetitive and/ or unwanted communications.
Interactions and communications must refrain from any slander and/ or defamatory behaviors. Behaviors that can be included would be (but are not limited to) creating public “Black Lists” or “Walls of Shame”.
Experiences should be the same for all users so any exploitation of the game is not tolerated and include (but are not limited to) the following:
Solicitation of accounts, personal information, usernames, passwords, and/ or emails are strictly forbidden. Creating and posting content to provide information on how to do any of the behaviors outlined in Rule #3 is strictly forbidden.
Each user is responsible for their account and personal security, therefore to ensure security do not give out account or personal information including (but not limited to) full name, home/ mailing address, phone number(s), email(s), password(s), etc.
To ensure each player's safety, it is highly advised against sharing personal information in public communications including (but not limited to) full name, home/ mailing address, phone number(s), age, personal photos, etc.
Users are allowed more than one account, HOWEVER it is in violation of Rule #3 to engage in any behaviors that can be seen as cheating. This includes (but is not limited to) any misuse of the account to get around adoption limits, gain extra currency, collect limited edition items, and/ or any way to take advantage of the game by use of multiple accounts.
All materials and content must be their own property and users must refrain from using any copyright material. Materials created by someone else without proper written permission to do so are NOT allowed.